
Showing posts from September, 2018


This location represents how life will keep on flowing. This fountain displays how water continuously flows no matter what happens. This relates to life. No matter what happened, in life you must keep going and never let anything or anyone break your flow.

Flip Book


Beginners Blog

- Dr. Raul Cueros story from beginning to end. - Raul grew up as a star basketball player but he didn't want that. - Raul wanted to be known for his book studies and education. - He grew up being thought to not be as intelligent due to the fact he was an athlete. - "Nobody ever thought as basketball player could have the same values as a doctor." - Raul wrote. book about his life to inspire other that you can be whatever you want. - No matter what your background may be, your values are as high as you want them to be/ allow them to be. - "It is important to have a universal conscience" Raul stated this to tell people to develop the precision of who you are after your whole universal nature. - Adults and children are born into a different way of proceeding nature. - The comment above relates to spending to much time inside and constantly playing with technology rather than "playing with nature." - Lacks of communication are being displayed due

Opera/Video Game Paper

Anthony Tobia Art and Technology Opera/Video Game Paper 13 September 2018 After watching Howard Goodall’s Big Bangs ⅓, ⅔, and 3/3 I can say that all of these videos have the same point trying to be proven, that is music is an art. Italy being the birthplace of the Opera is what make these videos so unique. In the article Mise-en-scene, it talks about how it was looked at as a framework for Opera. Framework types would be lighting, set design, costume, and location. These videos and people in them, are being interviewed not only the birthplace, but Italy the most popular Opera countries to visit. These recordings acted as a guideline on how people should live their lives. Opera was a way to speak other than normal language confrontation. These videos talk about arenas where these Operas would perform, as well as performers themselves. In video Opera ⅓, I discovered that the people who listen to Opera, follow this music with life related situations. In the opening scen


This is a Romeo and Juliet story. The butterfly is unsure about how to handle her feelings with the Pinkerton. Since they are in this predicament of the ship leaving and them splitting up, times change as the Pinkerton tears away the child from the Butterfly. So emotional, the butterfly does the worse thing possible and kills herself.

Staring Extra Credit Assignment

After staring at my classmate for two minutes, my feelings on this assignment has changed. Before attempting this assignment, I thought it was so weird/awkward to stare into the eyes of another guy for a total of 120 seconds. After completing this assignment I have come to the conclusion that it is still very weird and awkward. However, I was able to talk to him and get to know a little something about him which is more than I had already known.


In my Art and Technology class I fell that it will be a lot of online courses. After only having been to one class, I have come to the realization that this class will be as creative as it could be. Using blogs will be an interesting yet different way of expressing our knowledge. I am very curious to see how it turns out! My name is Anthony Tobia and I am from Lacey, New Jersey! I lived 10 minutes south of Seaside Heights and have always gone to the beach. In high school, I was a huge baseball and football player as well as being very interested in all other sports. I am undecided at the moment but am leaning towards majoring in Allied Health.