Opera/Video Game Paper

Anthony Tobia
Art and Technology
Opera/Video Game Paper
13 September 2018

After watching Howard Goodall’s Big Bangs ⅓, ⅔, and 3/3 I can say that all of these videos have the same point trying to be proven, that is music is an art. Italy being the birthplace of the Opera is what make these videos so unique. In the article Mise-en-scene, it talks about how it was looked at as a framework for Opera. Framework types would be lighting, set design, costume, and location. These videos and people in them, are being interviewed not only the birthplace, but Italy the most popular Opera countries to visit. These recordings acted as a guideline on how people should live their lives. Opera was a way to speak other than normal language confrontation. These videos talk about arenas where these Operas would perform, as well as performers themselves.
In video Opera ⅓, I discovered that the people who listen to Opera, follow this music with life related situations. In the opening scene when the man states “It is the form in which music interfaces with the real world.” it shows me that this music expresses emotion and color. Also, in the scene where the janitor starts to sing shows me that anybody can do it. There are all different types of people in the world with similar beliefs and interests. When audiences heard this Opera when it was originally played, I believe they went absolutely nuts. Living in the ways of Opera, it was a rebirth of life being put back into their lives. This piece is important in the chronology of Opera because it is a type of music that provides life for people. These people are so obsessed with this type of music that they put important life decisions in the hands of Opera. This is the way people lived in the 1920’s. On the other hand, I believe technology is not used due to the fact it is the 1920’s and technology is not what it is present day.
In video Opera ⅔, I discovered the history of Monteverdi. Monteverdi was a popular Opera who used to perform his music to the Duke. This video explores where Monteverdi did his work and how praised he still is today. What made Monteverdi special is he thought it was a “drama through music” which he focused his work should only be shown through singing at high speeds. Audiences reacted with much popularity which sparked Operas birth. More Operas came out which drew more and more people. I believe this piece is important in the chronology of Opera because of the aftermath of Monteverdi. Monteverdi drew in all people causing an abundance of Opera houses. Every composer in Italy has now hopped on board, leading to popularity spreading all throughout Europe. I believe technology is not used since there were no advanced forms of technology yet.
In video Opera 3/3, I discovered the birth the marriage of figaro. The marriage of figaro is marriage through singing Opera. Opera has become a way for some people to communicate. This form of communication however, was a more formal way and severe way of speaking. At minute 2:44, he claims that this type of Opera is about “the rich and powerful treating their employees like slaves and playthings.” This quote is indicating of men and women's relationships and inequality. I believe audiences reacted with much mischief. This new style of Opera branched out many possible options for people to follow. This taught men how to provide for their families and be “the man of the house” and taught women how to clean, cook, wash clothes, take care of the children and be a housewife all of the time. I think this piece is important in the chronology of Opera because it was the last step in Opera until new ways of life started. These new ways would be slavery, discipline, and equality. I think it is important because it all led to the world we live in today. Technology however, was not used. It sparked new world beliefs which would in fact lead to the more advanced ways of technology.
In conclusion, after watching all three videos I have seen a technology improvement in each. Opera in the 1920’s is technology in present day. The ways of communication and beliefs all link back to the way we use technology. We communicate through cell phones/computers and mostly believe in everything we see on the Internet. These people in the 1920’s had no other choice than to believe in Opera. It's what gave people the drive to live and do the things they did. This shows that music is an art, music is a belief, and music is life.

     If I were a twenty first director, I would turn this piece into a video game by starting with location and scenes. I would use the scene of Opera arenas in past day Italy. This would give the audience a feeling of real life connection. I would use both high and low key lighting. When listening to Opera. You don't just get a feeling of happiness or darkness. Opera provides mood swings from light to dark based on the tone of the performer. Costumes would be Renaissance related. Outfits from the 1920s are a lot different than they are today.


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