Artist Proposal

  1. The project I am working on has to do with sports. In this artists’ work, he shows the freedom and teamwork all sports require. To myself and many other, sports is such a huge part of our lives. These paintings show teamwork, power, color, hard work and much more.
  2. I plan to show my audience how sports deals with hardwork and dedication, getting fans to strive and be able to believe in what they want to believe.
  3. These show color and life regarding to the constant heart stopping moments when it comes to sports.
  4. The main theme of this is that sports bring excitement and energy to their audience.
  5. Locations are places where all can watch that gives off a vibe in which an audience feels pulled into or involved the sport.
  6. The goal of my work is to show how sports gives a mixture of feelings like excitement, anger, being nervous, and being shocked in ways nobody can imagine.


Performance Artist

LeRoy Neiman, The Artist is Dead
LeRoy Neiman, Artist & Army Vet April 15, 2002

Leroy Neiman shows his own expressions and feelings through his work that is known for his work being vivid and exciting. This type of art allows an audience to connect when dealing with sports and paintings of “Abstract Expressionists”. Neimans work was always displayed at large stages starting at sporting events, however eventually getting to be able to display his work at Olympic events. “Mr. Neiman’s works are in the permanent collections of both the Baseball and Football Halls of Fame, and in such museums as the Art Institute of Chicago, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Portland Museum of Art, the Museo de Bellas Artes en Caracas, and the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia”(Bowels 1). The author describing LeRoy in the article ( as a popular figure loved by all who followed his thoughts when displaying this art. In my opinion, LeRoy is so popular because of the realness of his work. He gets it from his heart display a tye dye affect as the main color theme of his paintings. He then puts in one to few pictures describing sports. I believe the fact LeRoy is an army vet has to do with the way he designs his artwork. Seeing and learning things not all people get to see may have created a new view on the world for LeRoy. This passion of doing good may have brought out a happy, bright, and exciteful side of LeRoy.

Artist Comparison

LeRoy Neiman                            James Fiorentino Edgar J Brown

The three artist I am using at three that I have found online that all have similarities and differences. All three artists display artwork dealing with sports, but express them differently. Although, I did select these three for a reason. LeRoy Neiman displays a cartoon character looks that is able to be detected relatively easily. The backgrounds in his paintings are what really stand out to me. As you can see in the artwork I had displayed, The mixture of color and patterns has the background pop almost taking away from the character doing the action in the photo. In the middle photo, James Fiorentino’s work is displayed. A much more bland piece of art, but still has the use of cartoon characters. The focus here is on the characters which give it a more basic and serious meaning. For me, this piece of art seems to be straight to the point.There is the characters doing the action in a classical cartoon manner. No distractions are given like Neimans to take away from the characters. In the third photo, a piece of art from Edgar J Brown is shown. The reason I chose this artist is to combine both Neiman’s and Fiorentino’s. An even amount of flash from the background to the character is shown. For the background, it is a basic sky with lighting. The use of different shades allows parts to pop, but not take over the artwork. The character being displayed is still being shown as the main focus of this piece due to the size and color choice. It’s an even blend of color due to the fact the colors mix evenly and are alike. The reason I chose these three artists was to compare and contrast the different aspects of art being shown. These specific pieces of art show how simple the main focus can be and how all people can see different things and meaning in any work of art. I don’t think technology is an essential component to any of these artists’ work. In my opinion, all of these pieces are drawn free handed and free minded allowing their thoughts and ideas to run wild. What is to be done in the field of Performance Art? This art creates performance art sue to the real life characters doing real life actions. In all three of these pieces, there is a character who is a famous athlete, performing in the way the normally would. The background and any extra details given around it adds character and life to the main idea of the artwork.


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